
IMG 7593

Mkak Update

A lot has been happening at Mkak since we last updated our news section. Please go to our projects page and visit the Mkak photo update section of our website
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Dentists visit Pichey Rangsey School

30 dentists from San Francisco and some from Australia treated 220 children during a one day visit.

Cambodia tourism: Children “for rent” by the hour?

Travel and tourism has a big role to fill in terms of alleviating poverty. The question for some countries is this: To which end? The answer, of course, depends on whether a country/destination is developed or developing.
IMG 1457

How do I view all of the latest news?

Please don't forget you can also view news and information under our 'Projects' section of the website. Go to projects - click on the country and then the organisation that interests you. We welcome input from all interested parties so if you happen to have a newsworthy story (non-political, non-religious please) then please do forward it to us for publishing consideration.
IMG 0529

Humanitus News Update

Since we last communicated through our April newsletter quite a lot has been happening which we would like to briefly bring all of our friends and supporters up to date with.
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