
Mkak - Centre for Learning and Development


We are starting to get very excited about the outfitting of the new library at Mkak Primary School. This building will also house the Humanitus Centre for Learning and Development.

Solar power equipment has been ordered and should be installed within the next two months. The equipment will provide power to the library and the learning centre. In the future when more funds are available we will extend the power source to the three existing classrooms which were built last year.

Budgets have been set aside for the purchase of computers and audio-visual equipment and everyone is very excited about this big step into the technological age.

A teacher has been employed to teach English at the school and already there have been 100 enrolements for the classes. Humanitus are funding the teachers salary and training. The teacher is presently attending a refresher training course at the Provincial Teachers Training College in Siem Reap.

Piseth Luon will be visiting Cambodia later in December and he will co-ordinate the delivery and installation of the solar power along with sourcing the initial computer and audio-visual equipment. Piseth has ordered a large reading table, chairs and bookshelves for the library which have all been funded by our youngest, individual supporter, Sabine, who raised approximately $1200 through her fun run this year.  Sabine has given us a short bio on herself, along with some photos, all of which will be framed to hang in the library. The children at Mkak are in awe of Sabine for what she has made possible and it is appropriate that her photos and bio have pride of place on the library wall.

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