
Mkak - Second Classroom for Grades 5 and 6

IMG 1058

Mkak Primary School – New classrooms in process of being built.

The building of a new, fully equipped building housing three classrooms is well underway. It is crucial that Mkak Primary School expands in the near future enabling it to accommodate students in grades 5-6.

Through the addition of grades 5-6 the children will have the opportunity to continue their valuable education in a familiar and safe environment allowing them the opportunity to fully develop their potential. At present once the students have completed grade 4 they then have to make the long journey to Kok Thlok village if they are to continue their education.

Piseth Luon has over the past few years formed a mutually beneficial working relationship with World Challenge, a subsidiary of publicly listed Tui Travel in the UK. World Challenge arrange for teams of students and teachers to travel to developing countries around the world. Whilst on these tours teams spend time helping communities on a variety of projects. A number of teams have visited Mkak over the past few years and in the following year teams will spend time in Mkak helping local builders construct the new classrooms.

Please contact us for a copy of the project proposal. We would welcome any offers of assistance whatsoever so please don’t hesitate to contact us about this project if it is of interest to you.

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