School Football Day6

Pichey Rangsey - School Football Day

Denzil's cousin recently visited the Pichey Rangsey School.
Fi Pitchey Rangsey School4

Pichey Rangsey School Visit

In June 2012 Ms Fiorella Soci from Caulfield Grammar School visited the Pichey Rangsey School. We were very pleased to receive such wonderful feedback from Fiorella and would like to share her message and photos with you.
School Football Excursion 19

School Soccer Team Excursion

On the 6th October 40 would be football stars from Pichey Rangsey School went on a school excursion to the Navy training centre near Phnom Penh for football training, a pork and rice lunch and to later watch a practice match played by the Cambodian Eagles Football Team.
1 With Denzil And A Few Teachers Cambodia

Visit to Pichey Rangsey Primary School by Caulfield Grammar Teacher

A recent trip to Cambodia was enhanced unimaginably by a day spent with Denzil Sprague and our visit to the Pichey Rangsey Primary School. Already impressed by the resilience, warmth and happiness of the people we were meeting, we were expecting the school to present a similar positive atmosphere. We were totally unprepared for the overwhelming joyfulness and excitement that erupted as we drove through the school gate, to be surrounded by masses of cheering students. Denzil is clearly a hero to the children, teachers and the families in this rural community.
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