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Humanitus visit to Pichey Rangsey School April 2014

On Tuesday Jeffrey Richards and Denzil Sprague set off early to spend the morning at Pichey Rangsey School. Even though the children are currently on Khmer New Year holidays about 150 children turned up to greet us. The Grade 6 students, along with as many others that could fit into the classroom as possible, sang their favourite English song "Morning Town Ride". The Grade 6 students sing English language songs as part of their English tuition.

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Caulfield Grammar Students send their 'Flags of Hope' to Cambodia

Students from Caulfield Grammar School (Junior Campus) have sent their flags of hope to their friends at Pichey Rangsey School in Cambodia. Each student wrote what they hoped for for their friends in Cambodia and the flags will be hung in the library for the Cambodian students to see. Thank you to all the students at CGS who participated in this wonderful project.

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Dental care - March 2013

30 dentists from San Francisco and some from Australia treated 220 children during a one day visit. Most procedures involved tooth extractions, in some cases two extractions, and the majority of students had never seen a dentist before.

School desks were converted into operating tables and the only children who showed any concern were the kindergarten children and then only before treatment began. The rest of the students were incredibly well behaved and trusting. Some had double extractions

The head of the dental team, together with many of the dentists, remarked on how
exceptional the children were. They praised them in glowing terms, having not seen many 
children like this before - and they treat 1000's every year. They left to do 2000 treatments in other parts of Cambodia and then they were going to Mongolia before South America. They will return for the next 2 years to treat the same patients again.

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Humanitus visit Dec 2013

Humanitus visit to Pichey Rangsey School December 2013

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Humanitus Visit July 2013

Sally Cordner and Christine Gilliland visited the Denzil Sprague Pichey Rangsey School in July 2013. During their visit they were able to engage with the students and teachers both in and outside the classroom.

The health program has made a significant and obvious impact on the general wellbeing and learning abilities of the students.

The school grounds were as always immaculate and the children's bcycles in pristine condition.

The library is well stocked and orderly and a favourite spot for the students.

A sincere thanks was once again extended to Caulfield Grammar, Malvern Campus, whose support has made so many things possible at the school.

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School health care day Jan 2013

Photos of school health care day January 2013. Included are some miscellaneous photos including the ever popular school library

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School football excursion Jan 2013

A small excursion was arranged for a group of students and a teacher to the Naval Football Ground for an Australia Day match between the Cambodian Eagles and the Vietnam Swans. As many students as possible were squeezed into a dual cab ute. Initally it was thought 14 would fit however 3 more squeezed in so they had 17 including a teacher - 7 in the back seat!! 
On the way, they heartily sang Morning Town Ride (Seekers) with the car CD and
had a great time. The Eagles doubled the score of the Swans, no doubt due to the
spirited cheering from the kids. The Eagles presented each student with a cap.
The Eagles are, of course, the coaches of our 40 "footballers".

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School football excursion Oct 2012

Photos of the football day on October 6th. The children had a great time but it bucketed down with the heaviest rain. They weren't the slightest bit daunted, nor their enthusiasm dampened! You can see by the girl sitting in the water how flooded the ground became! At half time, during the adult match they were watching, we trucked them home because they were getting very cold, with teeth chattering! This was the first time in the history of the school that students had been taken on an excursion. They were so proud of thier new sports clothes? Numbered 1-40it  made it easy to account for them all. There were 20 boys and 20 girls.

So much gratitude goes to the CGS students for providing these sports clothes. Not only did they look smart and part of a team (which really impressed the hosts, Cambodian Eagles Football Club) but otherwise the girls would be playing in skirts and the boys in jeans - not a good look or practical.

This was the first time in the history of the school (including the old school) that students have been on an excursion. They were so pleased and excited by the outing.

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Caulfield Grammar teacher, Fiorella Soci, visits school

In June 2012 Caulfield Grammar (Malvern campus) teacher Fiorella Soci visited the Pichey rangsey Primary School. You can view Fiorella's photos here and read about her visit by following this link to our news section.

1 With Denzil And A Few Teachers Cambodia

Caulfield Grammar teacher Lyndall Baird visits Cambodia

In January 2012 Caulfield Grammar (Malvern Campus) Lyndall Baird, and her husband Malcolm, visited the Pichey Rangsey Primary school. You can view the photos here and also read about their visit by following this link to our news section.


Humanitus visit July 2011

Humanitus Directors visit 2011

School Medicine Day Nov 301 7

School health care day Jan 2011

Please see the health care section of our website for details on the ongoing health care program at Pichey Rangsey Primary School


Humanitus visit July 2009

Humanitus Directors visit 2009

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