A Thank You to the Victorian PYP Network

As we head towards the end of an extremely busy 2012 school year Humanitus would like to express their heartfelt gratitude once again to the PYP network for their very generous donation of $5000 this year which will help continued support of the Mkak Primary School and their wider community.

Melbourne student completes run to raise funds for Mkak

Humanitus received some very inspiring news recently. The initiative of an 8 year old Melbourne student to help SE Asian children less fortunate than her has impressed us beyond words.

Mkak - Centre for Learning and Development

We are starting to get very excited about the outfitting of the new library at Mkak Primary School. This building will also house the Humanitus Centre for Learning and Development.

Mkak - Footscray Primary School becomes 'Sister School'

In August 2012 Piseth Luon and Jeffrey Richards were invited to visit Footscray Primary School by the Principal, Mr Philip Fox.

Mkak - Humanitus Projects Director visits Mkak Primary School

In January this year (2012) I had the privilege of travelling to Cambodia to visit Mkak Primary School, a 70 kilometre journey from Siem Reap.
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