IMG 1068

Mkak - Organic Farm Learning Centre

By following the link in this article you can view some photos of the one hectare organic farm - an integral part of the Humanitus Centre for Learning and Rural development.
IMG 1058

Mkak - Second Classroom for Grades 5 and 6

Mkak Primary School – New classrooms in process of being built.
IMG 3124

Mkak - Second toilet block almost completed

Now that the rainy season has passed work is continuing on the second toilet block at Mkak Primary School.

Mkak - Second Toilet Block Completed

We received news some time ago that construction of the second toilet block at Mkak Primary school had been completed and are happy to be able to share the photos with our supporters.

New report 'Off the Rails - AusAID and the Troubled Cambodian Railways Project

A new report released by AID/WATCH, has revealed that an AusAID supported railway rehabilitation project in Cambodia has led to the displacement of hundreds of people and prompted the near shut-down of civil society.
School Logo

New School Logo

Denzil Sprague has designed a very impressive and apt logo/badge for the Pichey Rangsey School. At the moment the logo is on their sports uniforms however it will eventually be on their school uniforms at only $1 per badge.

Orphanage tourism: help or hindrance?

Monica Pitrelli investigates the impact of tourists visiting orphanages in Cambodia.
PR Cambodia Healthcare2a

Pichey Rangsey - Denzils report on medical treatment for Grade 4 student

Another health incident arose recently with a happy ending. Here is Denzil's report ...
School Jan 2012 1 8A

Pichey Rangsey - English Class Awards Day

On Sunday Juanuary 1st 2012 a special party was held for the students of teacher....
School Football Day6

Pichey Rangsey - School Football Day

Denzil's cousin recently visited the Pichey Rangsey School.
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